Friday, December 4, 2015

Important Topics

I read an article today, and it really hit home, because when I was a child, articles like this were not in circulation. Here is the link to the article :

Now, the overall thought to this article is that we need to STOP telling our children that someone is picking on them, or hurting them because they must "like" them. Since when would we tell of our fellow mom friends that her husband punching her in the face means he loves her EXTRA special?! We wouldn't!! So why is it okay for us to tell our innocent children that it is okay to express "love" through physical abuse?

When I was a kid, there was this one little boy who picked on me. He pulled my hair. It actually did hurt. I was told that maybe he had a crush on  me. This made ZERO sense to me, if he liked me, why was he hurting me?!

That little girl...the one I used to be...had it all right.

That 8 year old girl had more common sense than my thirty-something year old teacher did.

Violence, pain, hurt, NOT love. is a wonder why domestic violence is such a battle we face today...since we are told from a young age that it is how we are supposed to express love.

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